Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Truth did Elisabeth Elliot grasp?

"Behold, these are the FRINGES of His ways, and how a faint a word we hear of Him!"
Job 26:14

I've been having a blast with life for the last couple of months. "Why," you may ask. Through my husband's conversations with others and my own time in Job I feel like I have grasped, to a deep level, a great foundational truth of life. Here it is:

Everything that happens is to glorify God.

It's simple, it's amazing and it can be so profound. This has given me such confidance in Him and all He asks of us (as a family) and us (as a Body).

In all of Jason's overseas travel, I've waffled with acceptance, selfishness, whineyness, and anger over when/what He asks of our family. But in my current understanding of God, I can finally worshipfully accept whatever He asks of us. If this means that this is the trip that sends Jason to death or prison...I am okay with because it's to HIS GLORY. It doesn't mean I'm heartless, nor that I wouldn't be mournful, but I understand it all now.

I know I'm not explaining myself very clearly right now, but I hope to continue to show you my heart in these posts.

Please pray for Jason as he and a friend travel to Thailand today. Jason will be flying back to us on March 2nd.

May we be covered in the dust of Him who calls us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you sweet friend!